

I've been studying. I've been studying the theory book that I have to know to pass my driver's liscence. It's so much fun! I love it! It's great! Really interesting, alot of important stuff to know, it's pretty to look at aswell if you must know(it's very blue), and I just love sitting down comfortably on the couch reading the pretty, interesting, lovable blue book. I love it!

[the truth..]

I've been studying. I've been studying the theory book that I have to know to pass my driver's liscence. It's the most not-fun thing there is! I hate it! It's stupid! I do not get why I have to know anything about the engine! Really. I don't care about the engine. I don't care about it one bit. I hate it that the book contains over 300 pages. It's more than I can handle. It's not pretty to look at at all either. It's blue, alright, it's not purple. I do not sit comfortably when I read it. I just want to get it over with. Hate it!

Hope this will make it easier..

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